Some say that this war will never die... This has gone too far... I cannot go any further... my strength is gone... fighting this boy with elemental powers cannot last long.. I have held him off for quiet some time... but he keeps running off and I cannot seek him out... from my provisions he is a boy. not a full grown hybrid yet... Gah... here he comes after me again... this is my farwell for now..
All that we have worked for will be parished... Our Rebellion is falling to its knees... This young hybrid wont stop attacking Harumari and plus he weilds an out of controlled power... reaching way over 45 reigan. I was beaten by him. he judges moves on the Reigan level most of the times. Talking with my advisor Amberstar we came up with a solution too this. we are going too go in with full force. But we need some other's help...
what does he look like
I will help you fight this enemy.
say who?
we do not know the identification of this boy... Havoc.. this is the first I have heard from you... to lend out a helping hand in any way.. I am happy too see that you are here too help out in this war
He (the boy) weilds darker elements like: Shadow, poisen, fear, hidden powers, wind, yeah, most of the dark sided elements. Also a warping atomical trouble maker.
so thats all the info I have on him now, and shun needs help, he is stuck in the battle with him. shun knows what he looks like.
ask him on further adue... but.. he is in danger... and I do not have the strength too go retrieve him...
I shall help... as a Darkness Mancer I have to help the ones in need that suffer around me... so lachlann... contact me soon... I shall be waiting...
even though i am not apart of the Rebellion I am always up to help
Tyu Tide
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