Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I am depressed... There... er... just nothing goes right anymore... I dont have friends to hang with... I am not super close friends with anyone either... Should my attitude change...? If so, how should I change it so it seems like me...?

I just want to be a good friend... I know I have been quiet... But please... all I can remember is fighting with in our group together... and then everyone is tense because of the Tourney thats coming up... WHAT will be my answere? People are falling in love and leaving others out... Just save the love stuff for when ever but not before the great battle... who knows... we might just even be training for years...

See where my depression is coming from...? Yea... its taken a toll on my feelings... AND being betrayed numerous times too sent my body on alert mode so I cannot relax a single minute of my time here...

I will post about when I am feeling better if I do.... I guess.....

I will try my hardest... but it seems like it does me no good...

The Rebellion,


X said...

Hey Lach, it's X.

Your not the only one with a bunch of stress on your shoulders. I have been getting almost no sleep latley, and my back and shoulders just won't stop hurting.
If it weren't for you guys, I'd be alone in this misery. but i'm not.
I have you and all the others from Flamex.

You guys are the only friends I really have right now. I have not had real friends in such a long time........

When I come home from somewhere or when I get done working on something, I always check your guyses blogs and chatboxes. One is to see if your there, and two is to see if you guys are alright.

I know this sounds like one big stupid, mushie, teary eyed comment, but I really do care about all of you.

You don't have to change your attitude, just be a little more talkative.


Dawn said...

Yea Lach, I say stay the same... It doesnt matter who you are or what you are... you will always be the Lachlann I know and grew too love...

Dawn Protecter,

Tyshiro Tyde said...

Lachlann you're a great guy, everyone likes you for your individuality, its what makes you you... Dont change that Lachlann,

we'll fight til the end
Tyu Tide

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