We need help... our fallen empire was attacked during the assault of harumari. Harumari is the known war that's going on right now inside of my Rebellion... all of our task forces and new members should be aware, out of anyone here I belive that this war has somthing too do with the war inbetween the Shadow Flock and the Alpha flock... I am not so sure... any gatherd information will be fine as long as you tell every letter and short little detail about it... If you have been attacked by terrorists in your home lands... please inform me at once so we can continue on with our plans..
Trying too avoid this war is impossible... as you may asume I am safe in side my room... no no... thats not the case, as the lord of this land I shall protect it... with my life...
There is nothing more important then keeping all of you safe in my hand book... we fight hard, we fight all, if you pick with us you mess with all of us... again... its your choice if you want too fight in this war or help me replenish my Rebellion too 100%...
The Rebellion,
I'm helping you Lachlann,
we'll fight til the end
Tyu Tide
Alright... good too hear...
The Rebellion,
Lachlann... really truly I think you should back away from my Flamex... just... stay away...
Fly on... but dont fly after me lachlann...
Fang Goth
-fades into veiws-
I shall not... I can keep my boundries where ever I want too be...
The Rebellion,
ok i seem in middle of this so im unemployd for now. i can only join one team so i have to decide. in the end wat ever the joice is....i promiss to be not an enemy to ether side
that is fine with me... untill I come too a final anser, there are NO former memebers. no outcasts here, its either you stay or you go,
I wish you would not go though. but you were with Flamex too the start and Fang's first blog friend.
its your choice. Make it quickly...
The Rebellion,
i got ur call for help on my blog... where r u? i will come.
alright, meet me at Fang's chat some time okay?
hey um is there a way to talk private io need to as soon as possible
how i halp???
Avian Jake... just hang in there... I have been on a really tight scedual here....
and I spelled that wrong I belive...
The Rebellion,
ok i just need to tell ya somethin that may cause us to get a new enemie
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